Monday, May 26, 2014

Quick Chicks

You may remember we also had chicks hatch last year.  This year MLT hosted a hatchery again, but the incubation period was much shorter.    None the less students and staff alike enjoyed the experience.

First we had eggs in an incubator.

After days of egg turning,  the chicks began to hatch.

Once the chicks had dry feathers they moved into the pen under the light.

Soon the chicks had feathers and they were ready to go to the farm.  
Bye-Bye Chicks!

What's the Weather?

To culminate a learning unit about weather,  WTNH Channel 8 had a visit from their mobile weather lab scheduled.  Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate  the day of the visit - it poured (and poured).  Instead Sam Kantrow and Mary L. Tracy Alumnus Kevin Arnone (who happened to be celebrating a birthday that same day) presented an age appropriate slide show.  Using introduced weather vocabulary, Sam and Kevin spoke to all the MLT students about different kinds of weather, the four seasons, and students were given an opportunity to ask questions.   Nice Job gentlemen!

Thanks Sam and Kevin for visiting.