Have you heard your child talk about Mr. Brady? For those of you who don't know, Mike Brady is the P.E. teacher for Mary L. Tracy students. He also teaches some P.E. classes at Peck Place School and Race Brook School. Gross motor development is so important during the preschool years and Mr. Brady works closely with our team to help all students improve their gross motor ability.
parachute play |
scooting on scooters
Miss Amy is another name you might hear your child mention. She is the Occupational Therapist that consults with our team from ACES (Area Cooperative Educational Services).
The early childhood team collaborates with Miss Amy to help meet the sensory and fine motor needs of our students. When her schedule allows she might visit to work with a small group, or for a whole group activity. During the preschool years students build the strength and coordination they need to become writers.
making mat man |
drawing our own mat man