Sunday, July 28, 2013

Carnival Week

We had our own little carnival set up in the gym last week to wrap up our "Carnival" theme week.

While it's not exactly like the Orange Fireman's Carnival, we had a bean bag toss,  a  ring toss and everyone got a prize!  

The games were fun, but these were the main attractions.  Below are photos of the children's favorites.....

The bounce house was a huge hit!  Special thanks to the North Family for letting us borrow it!

We also loved driving the Cozy Coupes in the gym!   Parents, don't call them bumper cars as bumping was not encouraged for this event.  Hooray for Carnival Play!  


We keep watering our plants every morning and we appreciate all the friends that help out by watering on the days we can't.

Everyday they get a little bigger.

Finally, little baby cucumbers appear! 

We found little baby tomatoes too!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Pirate Dress Up Day

Our theme for this week and next week is  PIRATES!  We ended the week with a dress up day.   Check out our letter of the week, "R".  We also have our tresure maps,  spy glasses and hats. 

We danced to some pirate rock.

The students really enjoyed playing with our tall ships.

What a fun way to end the week.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Our Garden

In early June we planed some cucumber seeds with the soil we had left over from our Mother's Day gifts.

just adding some soil
 a seed

and some water of course

Our little seeds started to sprout and by the time school was over our cucumbers needed a new home.  A bigger home where they would have the space they needed to grow.

I brought them home and Mr. White and I transplanted them into much bigger pots.  With the help of the MLT PTO, a donation and a class gift we also purchased some tomato plants and acquired a basil plant too!

Now we have our very own little vegetable garden growing in our courtyard!